5 tips to make videos Like a BOSS

I’m not here to tell you how important video content is…you already know that.

I get it. Being in front of the camera and creating killer short-form videos can feel like a nerve-wracking rollercoaster ride. Luckily, I’ve been used to being in front of the camera my whole life because my mom, attempting to be the next Anne Geddes, used to give me a perm and fairy wings and make me stand in the garden for an hour while she posed me. (Think back to those cute naked babies dressed like flower fairies). Thanks, mom.

Fear not. If you had a different type of caregiver who didn’t train you to be in the spotlight, I got you!

In my experience, going blank in front of the camera happens all the time. But the fear is less of a video-skill issue and more of a confidence issue.

My first reel ever.

Think about it. You’re so exposed, and you’re sure everyone else can tell that one side of your lower lip slopes in more than the other. (Oh wait, that’s me.)

This here is all about boosting your confidence on camera, and I’ll spill some juicy secrets about creating short videos that'll make you proud of your efforts.

Just please know, they’re not going to bad-ass at first. (The video here is my first reel ever.) That takes practice. You must start telling your story NOW, showcasing your products or services NOW, and forging real connections with your people right now. Videos grab attention, stir emotions, and get people talking. You want engagement, reach, and brand authority? Video is your golden ticket!

Now that you’re properly hyped, here are my tips to building camera confidence.

1) Think of why you’re badass!

Is it experience? Is it the results you get for your clients? What do your best friends, partners, or even your parents say when they brag about you? Yell those at the top of your lungs, say them over and over until you believe them! Or read your horoscope! Those always have plenty of nice things to say (and make great content for a cover letter, btw). Embrace your fabulous self, quirks and all. In fact, the quirks are what’s going to draw them in, and your expertise will keep them coming back.

2) Plan it out.

Brainstorm several content ideas at once and a script an outline to guide your video (see next step).

3) Script and slay.

Keep it natural. A few pauses and smiles will endear you to your audience. Open with the most exciting part of the story, or what the video is about. Then give the backstory. Say what you need to say as directly as possible. End with a call to action, tell them exactly what you want them to do.

4) Short and sweet

Opt for videos that range from 15 to 60 seconds. If you need longer, consider making several short videos in a series. Or go live and talk freely about your topic and just have the key points on your reel.

5) Visual oomph.

Good lighting, clear audio, and a clear message. Keep attention by adding captions to your videos or on-screen text with highlights.

6) Practice consistently.

Rome wasn't built in a day, and your on-camera prowess wont be either. Start with short practice videos. Get comfy with the camera, play around with angles and lighting, and watch your confidence grow with every take.

The best time to start on social media was yesterday, but the next best is starting today. Make a commitment to make a video RIGHT NOW.

If you have questions about these tips, send me a DM on social media or an email.

I know you have an awesome story and it needs to be shared! If you’re still apprehensive, remember that while you’re just starting out, you’ll have a smaller audience meaning fewer people will see an imperfect video. And in the meantime, embrace imperfection.

Your new mantra is :

“Progress over perfection, ” or “done is better than perfect”.

If you need a little more guidance or inspiration, make sure to follow me on social media. If you’d like tutorial videos that show you exactly what buttons to push, or how to brainstorm content ideas, consider The Reel You membership. This social media group coaching option is just $19/month and teaches you to build a content strategy from the ground up. Learn more below.

Or you could come to me with your specific goals and challenges and I’ll build you a custom coaching roadmap. Email me to see if custom coaching is right for you.

I’m here to help, here to give bad-ass business owners the exposure they deserve.


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