Secure your Instagram account

My account was hacked and I've been totally locked out. It looks like I won't be able to get the account back. For a social media professional, this hurts. It’s real close to home.

But in truth, this was my bad.

The problem was that I didn't have two-factor authentification turned on (it was on my back burner and I just never got to it.) The hacker turned it on as soon as they got into my account so every time I tried to get back in there, the hacker's phone was the one that got the security notification, even though my phone number and email were still up to date.


This is a screenshot my friend sent to me when they got the message from my profile.

So how did this happen?

I checked my IG messages and saw one from a friend asking me if I would vote for her for a competition. I had just seen her two days earlier so it didn’t register as a threat. And I knew she was building her business so it made sense that she would enter a competition.

And I was in a rush.

Within minutes, I got a notification that someone was logging into my account from LA. I still remember where I was when I realized I’d been hacked.

The hacker turned on two-factor authentification and that was it.

I tried for over 2 hours to get back in. I reset my password twice, I scanned my face at least 10 times. I read all the help articles and I was going in circles.

I tried every method of re-securing my account and each time I ended up at the same support article.

Thankfully, I had over 20 people reach out to me and ask if it was really me sending them this link. They all reported my account as spam but after 48 hours (a month in social media land) nothing happened.

I emailed and texted and shared on Facebook and my officiant Instagram profile what had happened.

Have you ever made a mistake in one second and wish so hard you could go back?

How to turn on two-factor authentification.

Click on the 3 lines on the top right of your profile

Click Settings


Two-factor authentification

While you’re doing this, check your other accounts as well. (If you need additional help, search it on YouTube.)

I have some requests if you would be so kind…

1.Turn on your two-factor authentification right now (on IG). And secure your FB account.

2. If you ever get a message asking you to click on a link, even if it's from a friend, always ask questions only your friend would know. Or call them. No need to be in a rush.

3. If you know an account has been hacked, or someone stole photos to create another account pretending to be someone else, report the account as spam. (See screenshots below.)

4. Talk to friends about it. My friends' account was the one hacked and I didn't think twice when "she" asked me to vote for her for a competition. It only took one weak moment, while in a rush, for me to fall for it.

The good news…

I learned a few years ago that when we look for blessings or the gifts in a challenging situation, we can approach it from a place of empowerment, rather than victimization. It’s definitely a good idea to take a break and feel the feelings. (“Your body’s been through a stress cycle,” says my friend.) Here’s what I came up with:

-I can build an account from scratch and document my journey, bring people along for the ride. This will help teach but also build a sense of camaraderie. They will be rooting for me!

-I have learned so much since I started that account. I’ve learned how to take and create better videos, but also how to write captions, provide value, build community and adjust my messaging. My new account will be top-quality content straigh out of the gate.

-Major setbacks are what make us experts in our field. If anything, I’m MORE qualified now to coach on Instagram strategy since I’ve felt first-hand the devastation of being hacked and now I know how to do better and I sure as hell won’t let it happen to a client. (And thank goddess it happened to me and NOT a client!)

-Because I consciously build my email list and have relationships with people in my community, my business is secure.

And it all goes to show that business needs RELATIONSHIPS.

And it’s a good reminder to look at all the ways we’re feeding our business. Social media is such a powerful tool but it shouldn’t be the only way we’re getting clients and inquiries.

If you found this helpful, please share with a friend!

Stay safe out there!


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